Multiplex 10 is coming in ONE WEEK!

In one week, not only will the Multiplex 10 animated short finally be released to THE ENTIRE WORLD on Vimeo On Demand! It will be $1.99 to rent or $4.99 to buy in the US — and I forget how much in other countries.

But that’s not all! Multiplex 10 the web series will also launch on the 29th, as well. Get notified when it’s available by subscribing to the Multiplex 10 YouTube channel or following Multiplex 10 Cinemas on Vimeo. (Yup, it’s free.)

The first, minute-long webisode is called “The Oscar Pool” and was written by Tom Brazelton of Theater Hopper and Triple Feature fame, so I can fairly say I think it’s very funny. Here’s a glimpse:

Still from Multiplex 10: "The Oscar Pool"

Yep. Looks like Jason and Kurt are talking about movies! 😀 SHOCKING.

Next week’s gonna be awesome, you guys. Awesome.