10 Days Remaining! We’ve passed $16,000!!!

We passed the $16,000 milestone last night (or 80% of our base goal) — in large part due to our new Co-Executive Producers, ReKindle Studios and some guy named… Lawrence McAlpin? (It’s my brother. He’s the smart one in the family; he’s not a professional artist.)

That means all the Co-Executive Producer reward levels are CLAIMED — for now. If/when we pass the base goal, I will open up more producer level rewards afterward. (After that point, a new Co-Executive Producer level reward would fund additional videos. I’ll talk more about stretch goals later.)

What passing $16,000 on Friday night ALSO meant is that I am also going to write and draw movie review comics with Kurt and Jason reviewing twenty-three nerd movies: the first nine Star Wars features — wait, technically the Clone Wars movie counts, so I guess that should be ten.


What passing $16,000 on Friday night ALSO meant is that I am also going to write and draw movie review comics with Kurt and Jason reviewing twenty-four nerd movies: the first TEN Star Wars features; the Lord of the Rings Extended Editions; and the Harry Potter movies.

These review comics will be posted in the Kickstarter backer updates, on Patreon, and here on the Multiplex 10 website. They will be collected into the Art of Multiplex 10 ebook — and, because there are so many of them, possibly into a separate ebook that will be for available for purchase — UNLIKE the Art of Multiplex 10 ebook.

I am going to aim to release one every week, but the deadlines on the videos will come first, so it may be slower than that. Also, note that these comics can only get produced IF we actually make it to the funding goal… but that seems pretty like a pretty good bet at this point.

So it looks like I’m going to be doing a (semi-)regular webcomic for a little while, too, in addition to the animation. Even though a review comic isn’t QUITE the same as the old webcomic, it’ll be interesting to see where this goes. I hope. I’ve had a little fun with the comic strip review format in the past, and I’ve been tossing around some ideas so all I can really promise is that they will be roughly twenty-two pages of comics, and they will be movie reviews… from a certain point of view.